Welcome to Primary/Elementary School!
Pre Pre-Kinder through Sixth Grade
On behalf of the staff at Wesleyan Academy Primary/Elementary School, I would like to welcome you to this website! To our youngest learners, our Pre-Pre Kindergarteners, and their families, a very special welcome! This year marks the beginning of your child’s academic journey at WA, and we look forward to sharing throughout many fun-filled learning and growth experiences!
Our school’s longstanding reputation is a testament to our students, faculty and staff, as well as to the unwavering support of our parents, alumni and friends. As we reflect on these past 60 plus years, we marvel at our rich history, commemorate our collective achievements and celebrate as a community. We believe that as a school community we need to actively display God's love for the world as exemplified by Jesus. We do this not just in the way we treat each other with courtesy and respect, or by displaying personal integrity, but also through engaging our students to participate in community service activities.
At WA Primary/Elementary School, we very much encourage and appreciate the support that you as parents and caregivers give your children at home as they strive to fulfill their academic and social potential. Education is truly a joint venture between school and home. We are committed to providing our students with a Christian, safe and caring environment at school. I look forward to welcoming you to Wesleyan Academy and partnering with you in the education and spiritual development of your child while inspiring each student to give "their utmost for His glory."

Consuelo Rampolla
Primary/Elementary School Principal
Curriculum Overview
Pre-pre Kinder / Pre-kinder / Kindergarten
Our Preschool provides a rich and nurturing environment in a loving atmosphere for our children with an integrated curriculum centered on the development of the “whole child”: spiritual, cognitive, physical, emotional and social. Developmental learning centers and a variety of guided and independent activities allow children to explore, experiment, and express themselves while acquiring skills and concepts. Opportunities are provided for artistic and musical expression, Chapel participation, and visits to the school library, handling of computer programs, participation in physical education classes, and the development of language skills in both English and Spanish.
First And Second Grade
First and Second grade students are immersed in the English language through a comprehensive program. Cognitive skills are taught using technology. The Digital Smart Boards provide the opportunity for hands-on interaction. The visuals provided while learning vocabulary, spelling, frequency words, and Language Arts skills help students to connect and produce oral and written sentences in a new context. Classes include:
English/Language Arts
Social Studies
Library Skills
Physical Education
Spanish Lang. Arts/SSL
Art, Music, Chapel
Summer reading begins with those students who have completed first grade. Summer is a great time to enjoy reading and to continue developing reading skills. Parents are encouraged to engage students in related book activities over the summer to reinforce learning.
Third Through Sixth Grade
The elementary curriculum is geared toward providing students with learning experiences that promote high order thinking skills. Great emphasis is placed on helping students to learn through exploration and discovery while acquiring the necessary skills to become lifelong learners. The Language Arts program is literature based, and reading and creative writing are an integral part of our daily schedule. Hands-on activities permeate throughout the curriculum integrating technology in all content areas. In addition, students are given the opportunity to work together in collaborative groups to promote shared responsibility and respect for others.
Educational experiences abound at Wesleyan Academy at all levels. Qualifying fifth and sixth grade students participate of the Space Camp experience in Alabama each year.
Classes at the Elementary level include:
Library Skills
Physical Education
Social Studies (in Spanish for 3rd and 4th grades)
Summer Reading - 3rd to 6th Grades
Summer reading is a very important part of our elementary curriculum. It is a way to help students continue on their path of becoming life-long readers and to maintain what they have learned during their academic school year. The books that we have chosen are those that we know they will enjoy. It is our hope that students will acquire a true love for reading while understanding that books bring knowledge and enjoyment.
Class Schedule
Early Childhood
The following is an example of a typical day in the life of a preschooler attending Wesleyan Academy:
07:45 - 08:00 Arrival, greet children
08:00 - 08:15 Devotions
08:15 - 08:45 Bible
08:45 - 09:30 Patio
09:30 - 10:00 Snack
10:00 - 10:45 LA/Math
10:45 - 11:15 Hands On
11:15 - 11:45 Areas or Learning Centers
11:45 - 12:00 Transition to Lunch
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 02:00 Nap
02:00 - 02:20 Snack
02:20 - 03:00 Story Telling/Fine Arts Motor Skills
Students are dismissed at 2:00 pm on Cycle Days 3 and 5.
Self-awareness, self-help and readiness skills are promoted throughout the daily routine. Schedules may change according to grade level (pre pre-kinder, pre-kinder, kindergarten) and the cycle day to include special classes such as Bible, Chapel, Physical Education, and Library. Teachers can provide a copy of specific class schedules.

Special Events
1st Semester
Dean’s Welcome
Praise Concert
Field Trips
P.R. Day
Community Workers Week
Thanksgiving Breakfast
Turkey Race
Shoe Box Gifts (Samaritan Purse)
Christmas Program
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Garden Library
2nd Semester
Grandparents Day
Valentine’s Friend Day
Early Childhood Week
Goofy Games
Field Trip
Inflatable Day
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Field Day for 1st and 2nd
Mothers Day Activity for PK
Exchange Days: PK-K, K-1st
Kinder Graduation
Special Events & Services 3rd-6th
Our elementary students in grades 3-6 participate in a number of programs to help them develop their potential intellectually, spiritually, and physically. These include, but are not limited to:
Spiritual Emphasis Week held once each semester; guest speakers from Puerto Rico and the U.S. bring fresh Biblical insights and encouragement through daily Chapels during the week.
Space Camp is offered to 5th and 6th grade students, giving them the opportunity to spend a week in Alabama where they work in teams and confront mission scenarios as they learn about space.
Spiritual retreats for fifth and sixth graders.
Infinity Worshipers of Christ (Worship Team) is a worship ministry where students are given the opportunity to praise the Lord through song and dance.
After school tutoring/supervised studies program offered by teachers and upper-level students.
After School Activities Program (ASAP) which has featured Flamenco, ballet, jazz, tennis, Zumbatonic, guitar, piano, violin, Bricks for Kids, sewing, and Elementary choir.
A very extensive sports program for grades 4-6 with membership in the LAMEPI League (Liga Atlética Metropolitana de Escuelas Privadas, Inc.).
After School Child Care Program which runs from 3:30 (or 2:30 on early dismissal days) to 6:00 p.m.
“Getting to Know Our Community” - a one-week activity for elementary students where keynote speakers present various topics on careers, health education, and others.
Growth and Development Workshop for 6th grade.